Luigi's Secret - Chapter 1 - TrashySwitch (2024)

Chapter Text

Mario groaned as he woke up to the sun glaring through the window. He covered up his head with the blanket in an attempt to block out the sun. But it was just no use. The blanket seemed to be glowing from the sun shining against the blanket as well. Mario sighed and rubbed his eyes before throwing the blanket off himself. He sat on the side of the bed for a few moments, trying to further wake himself up.

“Morning, Mario.” Someone said behind him.

Mario turned around and smiled tiredly. Luigi appeared to be already up and looking at something on his phone. What he was looking at…Mario had a pretty good guess.

“Reading those stories again?” Mario asked.

Luigi looked up from the phone with a small blush. “...Maybe…” Luigi mumbled, sinking further into his bed.

Mario chuckled. “What’s it about this time?” Mario asked.

Luigi bit his lip as he tried to figure out how to summarize the story without including certain specific scenes in it. “Well…” He cleared his throat and just read the summary at the top of the story. “Roman has decided to summon a whole bunch of puppies, to make Patton beam with happiness. As the day goes on, Roman becomes more and more evil and accidentally goes a little overboard on the puppies…” Luigi read. “It’s called…” He scrolled up. “Puppies! Puppies! Puppies!”.” Luigi read out loud.

Mario couldn’t help the laugh that left his mouth. “Sounds exactly like something you’d read. Fluffy, cutesy, even got puppies thrown in there.” Mario reacted.

Luigi smiled and blushed a bit more at this. “Y-Yeah…” Luigi mumbled.

Mario got off the bed and walked up to Luigi before taking his phone. “Let me see this here.” Mario said, grabbing the top and gently taking it from his brother’s fingers.

Luigi yelped and tried to reach up and grab it. But Mario was much quicker than him. “M-Mario, why?” Luigi asked.

“Let’s see…” Mario started to read bits of the fanfiction out loud.

Luigi squeaked and covered his face with the blanket. Luigi’s blush only began to darken as he heard Mario literally quote the fanfiction in little bits at a time. The even went as far as to pause his reading to add how ‘cute’, ‘funny’ or even ‘unrealistic’ the fanfic was.

“No person can actually conjure up a puppy on the spot.” Mario told him.

Luigi whined and tightened the grip on his blanket. “I knoooow that.” Luigi reacted.

As Mario read more of the fanfic, he actually started to laugh while reading it. “Did the man really refer to the pomeranian as a ‘pom pom puppy’?!” Mario asked.

Luigi couldn’t help the awkward little laugh he let out as he loosened his grip on the blanket. “Y-Yeah…They are really floofy and soft…” Luigi admitted.

Suddenly, his blanket of comfort was thrown off of him, and Mario was standing above him in his PJ’s. “Did you seriously mispronounce the word ‘fluffy’?!” Mario asked.

“WAH!” Luigi yelped and giggled almost desperately as he tried to grab his blanket of solitude. “Nohohoshutup-” Luigi turned to his right and curled into a ball. “Gohoho awahahay!” Luigi mumbled amidst his newfound giggle fit.

Mario laughed at him a bit more before pointing to the green phone. “Do you even realize what these stories are doing to you?” Mario asked.

“Marioohohoho…” Luigi mumbled and whined as he covered his own face with his bare hands.

“They’re turning you as red as my shirt!” Mario pointed out, holding out his shirt before giggling upon seeing the hot blush on Luigi’s ears. “In fact, you’re almost more burgundy than red at this pohohoint!” Mario reacted, gently poking and wiggling his finger on his brother’s visible ear.

Luigi squeaked and moved his left hand over to cover up his ear. “Ihihit’s called Maroon, Mario…” Luigi told him.

Mario actually guffawed at this. “Oh really~?” Mario asked.

Luigi closed his eyes as he risked his future with this one single line:
“...Burgundy is m-more of a reddish-brown shade…” Luigi admitted.

Mario smirked as he threw Luigi’s phone onto the bed and rolled up his sleeves. “Alright, smartypants.” Mario started squeezing and skittering his fingers all over Luigi’s exposed left side. “You asked for it.” Mario declared.

Luigi squealed and arched his back as fits of laughter overcame him. As he flopped onto his back, Luigi tried to both cover up his ticklish spots AND push Mario away from him. But not only did Luigi fail to accomplish one of the actions, he managed to utterly fail at BOTH! And that was laughable in and of itself!

“Not so tough and mighty now, huh~?” Mario asked with a smirk.

“MARIOHOHO! Ahahahaha- Leheheave me alohohohone!!” Luigi laughed, slightly whining as he failed yet again, to stop Mario.

“And let you get away with being the smart one?! No way!” Mario replied. “I’m the older brother! I’M supposed to be the wise one here. And you attempting to take that title from me is just rude.” Mario added.

“Yohohou’re juhuhust cahahan’t ahaccept the truhuhuhuth.” Luigi admitted.

Mario dropped his jaw, before widening his smile drastically. “OhoHOOO!” Mario stopped tickling. “And what is THAT?!” Mario asked, leaning against the nightstand, eager to hear his answer.

Luigi huffed softly as he hugged himself for dear life. He knew he was screwed if he said it…He knew it before he even said the precursor. But…he also felt like he was screwed no matter what his answer would end up being…So, he just…let it leave his mouth.

“Tha-That I’m taller, and cooler, and therefore smarter.” Luigi declared with a surprising amount of confidence dripping from his lips.

Mario raised both his eyebrows and dropped his jaw. He knew the man would say it…but he did NOT expect such confidence from the man he called his little brother! And to be completely honest, he was thoroughly impressed!

“And…Yeah. Yeah, I said it.” Luigi declared, poking Mario’s chest awkwardly in the process.

Mario looked down at Luigi’s finger…then looked up at Luigi’s eyes…before ultimately dropping his facade with a drop of his head and a soft wheeze.

Now it was Luigi’s turn to be taken aback. Mario was genuinely laughing with his own fist partly covering up his mouth. It was so funny seeing Luigi become the strong one of the brothers. It was either that, Or it was the embarrassment manifesting itself into fits of laughter. It’s usually hard to tell with Mario.

“Uhuh…Yeah…” Luigi let out, confused, but still quite proud of himself.

“Mama mia…” Mario reacted, wiping a tear from his own eye. “Okay, that was a good one.” Mario admitted.

“O-Oh! Uh- th-thanks!” Luigi reacted. “I…I tried, Mario.” Luigi admitted.

“Yohou have no idea…” Mario said.

Luigi smiled a bit more to himself. He felt really proud in this moment.

Mario looked at him. “No idea how SCREWED YOU ARE!” Mario suddenly scooped up his brother under the arms and threw him a foot into the air.

Luigi screeched and yelped as he was thrown into the air. All the confidence Luigi had just seconds prior, had diminished as fear as the man was literally thrown for a loop!

Mario caught his brother bridal style, and took in a big breath really quickly.

“WaitwaiTWAIT-” Luigi yelled right before the inevitable happened: Mario had unloaded a huge raspberry onto Luigi’s somewhat bare belly.

“MAMA WAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Luigi screamed as he kicked his legs wildly and waved his arms all over the place. As it would turn out, Luigi’s temporary flying was enough to bring his pj shirt up, uncovering the poor man’s belly just enough for Mario to make the biggest impact right on his belly. Either it was dumb luck, or Mario had deliberately planned it that way.

Either way, Mario being impressed didn't really change how doomed Luigi would end up being.

Not even close.

Mario removed his face from Luigi’s belly, before looking at Luigi. “I wonder how many raspberries it would take to make you utterly breathless…” Mario asked with a smirk.

Luigi squeaked and covered his mouth hard enough to muffle a lot of his suspenseful giggles.

“One is clearly not enough.” Mario added as he adjusted his grip on Luigi slightly so he could tease him a bit more.

How did he do this?

Well, it’s simple really. Mario started to bring Luigi’s PJ shirt up just a touch more with his right finger. And in the process, Mario had also managed to tickle Luigi’s lower back ribs slightly. This alone was enough to make the boy giggle and wiggle around a bit in Mario’s arms. “Eheheheeee! Mahario please dohohon’t.” Luigi whined.

“Don’t do what?” Mario asked innocently.

Luigi widened his eyes.

“Please, by all means: Tell me what I can’t do.” Mario told him.

Luigi squeaked and leaned back, covering his mouth and letting out a big burst of whiny giggles.

“Oh? Oh what’s that?” Mario asked, bringing his ear slightly closer to Luigi’s face. But all the man heard was squeaky, flustered giggles from his leprechaun-colored brother. “Oh you can’t tell me?!” Mario reacted.

Luigi squeezed his eyes shut, knowing what was coming next.

“Looks like I’m just gonna haaaave to continue doing what I had planned.” Mario declared before taking in a big breath and blowing another raspberry.


Luigi threw his head back, uncovered his mouth and let out a SUPER strong cackle. He had no clue what to do with his hands at this point! So the man had begun flapping his arms like a freaking bird while kicking his feet up and down at rapid speed!

“Oooone raspberry.” Mario declared, taking a second to look at Luigi with a smirk before taking in another deep breath.

“PPPPFFFFBBBFBFBFBFBBBBFFFBBFBFBFFF!” Mario blasted another raspberry right into Luigi’s vulnerable tummy.

“BAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!” Luigi cackled once again before covering his face.

“Twooo raspberries.” Mario said with a smirk. “I wonder when the snorts will start coming out…” Mario said out loud.

“YOHOHOHOHohou suhuhuhuhuck!” Luigi yelled at him.

“Oh I do, do I?” Mario said as his smirk widened. “Congratulations! You just earned yourself another raspberry!”

Mario took in a big breath and blew. “PPPPBBFFFBFBFBFFFBBBBFBFBBBFBFFBB!”

“GAHAHAHAHA- *snort* -AHAHAHAHAHA- *snort* EEEHEEK! NOHOHO-” Luigi covered his mouth as more snorts started coming out at full force. “OHOHO NOHOHOHO- *snort* NOHOOOHO!” Luigi yelled, uncovering his mouth before letting out a long fit of cackles.

“Wow! I’m impressed, brother! Three raspberries, and you’re not even breathless!” Mario reacted. “Snorty for sure, but not breathless.” Mario added.

“Ihihihihi…*huff* Ihihi’m gohohonna-”

Mario smirked and raised an eyebrow. “Oh? What are you gonna do?” Mario asked.

“Ihihi-” Luigi attempted to say.

Mario’s smirk widened. “Tell me, my sweet little brother, what YOU are gonna do while YOU’re stuck in this predicament.” Mario declared, poking his chest.

Luigi wasn’t even thinking straight, which was exactly why Luigi let out the following sentence:
“Ihihi’m gonna get you back sohoho bad after thihihis!” Luigi threatened through his giggles.

Mario narrowed his eyes as a genuine little smile grew onto his own lips. “Whatever you say, brother.” Mario said, shrugging his shoulders before breathing in and blowing yet ANOTHER raspberry onto his poor brother’s belly.


Mario removed his face from Luigi’s belly right around the time that Luigi’s body went limp as his laughter became breathless.

“Four raspberries…” Mario muttered before dropping Luigi back onto the bed. “Not bad, bro.” Mario reacted, poking his side.

Luigi curled himself up into a ball on his right side again, hugging himself as he attempted to calm down. “Yohohohohou…Yohohou’re ehehevil.” Luigi told him, squeezing his eyes shut as his giggles died down. “Sohohoho, sohoho evihil.” Luigi mumbled.

Mario smirked and gave Luigi’s neck a little flutter with his fingers. “I know.” Mario replied rather proudly.

This immediately made Luigi squeak and tense up, curling his neck to the left. “EEEEheeheeheeheehehee!” Luigi giggled, reaching his hands back to move the fingers away from his neck.

Unfortunately, this move of defense only opened up another vulnerable spot on the man. And Mario quickly took advantage of that. Mario shoved his hand right into Luigi’s left armpit, wiggling his fingers. Luigi turned over onto his back yet again, and instinctively squeezed Mario’s hand against his armpit, locking it in. “Wahahait dohohon’t!” Luigi laughed.

“Thought I was done, huh?” Mario asked.

“Yeheheah! Ihihi thohought-” Luigi looked up at his brother.

“Ah ah ah~” Mario warned with his free left hand. “Just because I complimented you, doesn’t mean I was done.” Mario reminded him.

Luigi closed his eyes and just gave up wiggling. He was too tired to keep moving for much longer.

Mario stopped his fingers, and slid them out of Luigi’s armpit. “Okay, now I’m done.” Mario decided.

Luigi covered his sides. “Ihihi dohon’t believe you…” Luigi admitted.

“I am. Promise.” Mario replied, holding out his pinky.

Luigi looked at the pinky for a moment, before sighing and intertwining his own pinky with Mario’s. With the promise in place, they let go. Now, Luigi would’ve moved onto his side again…but he was just too tired to do that at this moment. So, he remained on his back. Mario knelt down and picked up Luigi’s phone, which seemed to have dropped on the ground amidst Mario’s tickle attack. He handed Luigi his phone, holding it up like a claw machine. “Here.” Mario said.

Luigi reached up to grab it, but widened his eyes slightly as Mario lifted it up another inch away from his hand. Luigi knew something was up, but couldn’t think properly. So, he reached for it again, but Mario lifted the phone up another inch. Luigi narrowed his eyes and reached for it again. And Mario lifted it up yet another inch.

Luigi grumbled a bit. Two can play at that game. Luigi moved his fingers up to Mario and tickled his own fingers against Mario’s side and ribs.

“BWAAAHAHA!” Mario laughed, pulling his arm back and dropping the phone right into Luigi’s hands before covering up his own side and giggling.

“That’s just a small taste of what’s coming for you.” Luigi told him with a smirk.

Mario bit his lip as he felt a slight blush of his own starting to show up on his face. He decided to try and brush it off by walking away from him. But Luigi had decided to take this wonderful chance to tease him just once more.

Luigi cleared his throat with a small smirk. “Ah, I can see why you like the color red now.”

Mario froze in place. Did he just-

He took a deep, slow breath.

Mario quickly turned around and ran to Luigi’s bed. “Pinky promise is OVER.” Mario declared as he jumped onto the bed and started mercilessly tickling his brother. Turns out Luigi’s snap talk had not been corrected quite enough yet…

Luigi's Secret - Chapter 1 - TrashySwitch (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.